Join James Summer and Chuck Schonert as they discuss industry changes in lighting specifications and technology that will impact brands, print buyers, designers, creatives, photographers, printers and anyone associated with color management and the print supply chain.
With the rise of digital printing devices throughout today’s printing industry, how can they adapt to G7 methodology and achieve that common visual appearance? Without the ability to utilize the traditional press curves in some cases, how can this be achieved effectively? Jan Michael Lemieux, of Canon Solutions America, will be discussing, with Idealliance host Chuck Schonert, on how this may be accomplished!
Join Ideallaince and G7 Expert Jinqai Qian, and Stepehen Ranking of Teckhon USE as they discuss the G7 methodology and G7 related process control tools for reading, and averaging LAD charts for uneven surfaces, measuring SCTV for compliance with ECG, and cloud-based recording and referencing.
With the rise of digital printing devices throughout today’s printing industry, how can they adapt to G7 methodology and achieve that common visual appearance? Without the ability to utilize the traditional press curves in some cases, how can this be achieved effectively? Jan Michael Lemieux, of Canon Solutions America, will be discussing, with Idealliance host Chuck Schonert, on how this may be accomplished!
Check out this month’s Idealliance webinar, as we delve into color for wide format, display and exhibit graphics. Joining us in this discussion will be the team from Orbus Display & Exhibit Group – Jaime Herand, VP of Graphic Operations, as well as G7® Experts Brian Kuhar, Graphics Manager and Michael Berger, Graphics Production Manager who will cover the challenge of aligning color across multiple facilities and multiple applications and the impact G7 has had on their workflow and production.
In this webinar Mark Gundlach, a solution architect at X-Rite, will be discussing with Chuck Schonert the various types of devices and software and their respective functionality that promotes process control and color management within the printing and packaging industries. Mark will demonstrate specific device tools that are incorporated into the devices and software to assist in calibrating and maintaining G7® process control in production. Come join us and see how this informative webinar may benefit you!
In this webinar, Idealliance’s Chuck Schonert, and two additional trainers from the course, Shelby Sapusek and Ray Weiss will discuss the new Color Management Professional® Fundamental Training & Certification from Idealliance.
Learn how the new course, updated for the latest across color management provides a foundation for leading print and packaging color quality.
Join members of Idealliance’s Print Properties Committee including, Ron Ellis, the current Chair of the PPC, along with Marc Levine, Dave Hunter and Steve Upton as they discuss ; Expanded Color Gamut, Uncoated Data sets, and Large Area Device Targets to optimize your print production and optimize your workflows. Also, learn how you can be a part of the PPC to help Idealliance shape the industry through contributions across standards development and best practices implemented across print driven by the Print Properties Committee.
In this webinar Kiran Deshpande, an expert in the inner workings of Expanded Color Gamut (ECG), will be discussing with Chuck Schonert the current state of this groundbreaking workflow.
The combined data, which is derived from participants that supported this effort spearheaded by the Idealliance Print Properties Committee. Kiran will be expanding on the future of beta testing other latest datasets and how you can become involved.
In this webinar, Dan Uress and Chuck Schonert will discuss applying and evaluating color on any surface, and how these tools play a vital role in your print production. Learn why and how we evaluate color, the tools available, and what we stand to gain with this vital piece of print production quality control.
How Taylor Corporation Maintains Critical Color Alignment & Optimal Performance Across Over 35 G7 Master Qualified Print Facilities
In this webinar, Steve Smiley ISO Expert & former Chair of the Print Properties Committee, and G7 Expert Trainer, and Dianne Kennedy, editor of ISO 20616-1 (PRX) and ISO 20616-2 (PQX), and PQX Expert Trainer, will speak with Chuck Schonert to discuss the impact of PQX for brands, print buyers, and print and packaging service providers. Learn how PQX is shaping and standardizing print and print buyer interacting to increase communication while eliminating proprietary and limiting approaches to print reporting and communication.