


Idealliance understands that productivity and efficiency are at the center of an effective workflow. We have created standards-based, automatable processes, enabling every part of the print supply chain to change, grow, and prosper. Over many decades, as both disrupter and architect, Idealliance has reimagined future workflows, shaping the way our supply chain partners operate. This series explores the history of many of those workflow innovations.

What is Mail.XML?

In late 2004, a new Web communication technology emerged ─ Web Services.  Web Services enabled real-time communication by employing XML request/response messages. The idea of enabling real-time messaging across the mailing supply chain sparked the imaginations of Idealliance members Phil Thompson, Quad Graphics and Angelo Anagnostopoulos, Grayhair Software. 

What if delivery appointments for drop-shipped mail could be booked and tracked on the Web? What if real-time queries and updates to postal documents that enable managing, updating and querying mail contents could be made? 

All this and more became a reality with Web-Services based Mail.XML. This specification, a joint development between Idealliance and USPS enabled modern postal business workflows for printer/mailers large and small.

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