The purpose of the G7 Press Control System certification program is to acknowledge systems that provide G7-specific tools t0 help printers identify whether or not their press control system is G7 compliant.
Click for a list of certified systems
The purpose of adding G7 metrics to a press control system is to allow the press operator to see in real time how close to the G7 targets the printing result is, and what ink adjustments are needed to maintain G7 compliance. Correct and successful utilization of the G7 calibration method delivers predictable, standardized gray balance and tonality, both visually and colorimetrically. Measuring the six G7 control patches (HR_cmy, HR_k, HC_cmy, HC_k, SC_cmy and SC_k) is often sufficient to monitor the G7 condition achieved by the G7 calibration method. On offset printing systems that rely on real-time ink adjustments to maintain print quality any deviation of the G7 control patches can be used to suggest ink adjustments that should move those patches back to their ideal G7 values, and therefore move the printing system back to its ideal “G7 appearance”.