

Certified Hard Copy Proofing Systems

The Idealliance Hard Proofing System Certification program conveys proofing system capabilities associated with GRACoL® and SWOP® specifications, and compliance with ISO 12647-7, with the following omissions; gloss, fade; light fastness and resolving power, and margin information as to proof identification.   Certification Categories: #1 Grade (GRACoL) | #3 Grade (SWOP) | #5 Grade (SWOP)

For parallel system certification for commercial digital print technology, see the Idealliance ISOPAS15339 System Certification which includes the most stringent evaluation of digital print technology for the 7 Characterized Reference Print Conditions of ISO/PAS 15339.

* Only the Proofing Systems certified under the new Idealliance Proofing Systems Certification Program are listed on this page.

* Systems are listed by date certified. Certification is valid for the life of the system as long as no changes are made to the system.

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