

Wide/Grand Format Inkjet System Performance Benchmarking Application & Test Forms

Wide/Grand Format Inkjet System Performance Benchmarking Criteria


Member Non-Member
Level 1 $1,000 $2,000
Level 2 Please contact Idealliance


  • Submission is defined as a roll-fed or flatbed large format printing system configured for and printed on a certain media choice at a defined print condition. Any alteration of media, ink, or system defines an additional submission.
  • Submissions may be made “silent” and used for internal use only.
  • Silent Submissions are subject to same pricing model as a full submission.
  • System Performance Benchmarking is valid for the life of the system as long as nothing changes within the system.
  • Full payment is required to process application.
  • Completed performance benchmarks are posted to the Idealliance Wide/Grand Format Inkjet Performance Benchmarking website.
  • One system per submission. Please complete process for each system submission, for as many systems as you wish.
  • Frequently Asked Questions guide can be found here.


  1. Download the Certification Procedures
  2. Download the Test Forms
  3. Download the Application Data Sheet
  4. Submit form below
  5. Level 1 testing: Mail test submissions to Rochester Institute of Technology Printing Applications Laboratory at:
    Rochester Institute of Technology
    Printing Applications Laboratory
    Building #78, Rm 1425
    66 Lomb Memorial Drive
    Rochester, New York 14623-5603
    Attn: Inkjet Benchmarking Program
    Jeffrey Wang
    Phone: 585-475-6878
    Level 2 testing:
    Complete form below. An Idealliance representative will contact you for coordination of Idealliance partner evaluation.Complete form below.


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