Manufacturers may submit for Digital Press Certification by printing a series of test forms according to the given criteria. The forms are sent to Rochester Institute of Technology’s Printing Applications Laboratory for evaluation where they are measured and compared against predetermined tolerances. Systems that pass all tests are awarded certification, the supplier system details are published and the supplier is able to display the certification logo on their product collateral. Potential customers are able to recognize the certification logo and have confidence when considering purchase of a certified system.
Silent Submissions are subject to same pricing model as a full submission.
System certification is valid for the life of the system as long as nothing changes within the system. A change in the system includes different paper, ink, model number, version number or any other change within the certified system.
Full payment is required to process application (nonrefundable).
Fees cover certification submission with accompanying services.
Successful certifications are posted to the Idealliance Certification website and sent official certification form.
Updated 2017 to version 2.3.6.
Downloads and Application
A digital press system consists of the Digital Front End (DFE), print engine, substrate, and inks.
Documentation for certified systems are made available in terms of an Application Data Sheet (ADS).
Certification for a given configuration does not expire.
The Digital Press Certification procedure is governed by Idealliance via its Print Properties Committee (PPC).
Implementation and submissions are via Rochester Institute of Technology PAL.
The certification process certifies that a system has been shown to be capable of meeting specific print standards, however this does not guarantee that in a given customer location the same system will always produce work to the certified tolerances.
Rochester Institute of Technology 69 Lomb Memorial Drive PGMS, Gannett Building, Room A-195 Rochester, NY 14623 Attn: Digital Press Certification Program